A Warrior’s Mentality
Ideas from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War
Be like the elements water, fire, wood, earth, and metal.
Be like water, that which takes the path of least resistance. The soldier works out swift victory in relation to their foe.
Be compact like the forest, rapid like the wind, immovable like stone, and raiding like fire.
In war what is strong and attack what is weak.
Just as water flows and according to its surroundings, there are no constant conditions in warfare. One must adapt in every moment.
Understand your environment. Do not charge an opponent uphill as much as you should not resist against an opponent charging downhill.
Do not reveal your plan to your opponent, but seek theirs out.
Practice dissimulation, and you will succeed.
Deplete your opponent’s resources and improve yours; the art of husbandry
How to form strategy:
- Measure
- Estimate Quantity
- Calculate
- Balance of Chance
- Victory
Understand your resources and conservation of energy. Rather your opponent be tired and you are awake.